Rappert, B. 2024. Revelations: A Sociology of Uncovering. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp 176. Watch book launch.
Rappert, B. 2022. Performing Deception: Learning, Skill and the Art of Conjuring. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, pp 230. Open access, via the Publisher’s site.
Mankoo, A. & B. Rappert (eds) 2018. Chemical Bodies: The Techno-Politics of Control. London: Rowman and Littlefield, pp 226. Read a sample chapter.
Rappert, B. & C. Gould 2017. Dis-eases of Secrecy: Tracing History, Memory and Justice. Johannesburg: Jacana, pp 288.
Rappert, B. & B. Balmer (eds) 2015. Absence in Science, Security and Policy: From Research Agendas to Global Strategy. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Read the Introduction.
Rappert, B. & M. Selgelid (eds) 2013. On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics: Principles, practices, and prospects. Canberra: ANU E-Press (Open access).
Rappert, B. 2012. How to Look Good in a War: Justifying and Challenging State Violence. London: Pluto.
Rappert, B. (ed) 2010. Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences. Canberra: ANU E-Press (Open access).
Rappert, B. 2009. Experimental Secrets: International Security, Codes, and the Future of Research. New York: University Press of America. Read the Introduction.
Rappert, B. & C. Gould (eds) 2009. Biosecurity: Origins, Transformations and Practices. London: Palgrave.
Rappert, B. (ed) 2007. Technology and Security. London: Palgrave. Read the Introduction.
Rappert, B. 2007. Biotechnology, Security and the Search for Limits: An Inquiry into Research and Methods. London: Palgrave. Read the Introduction.
Rappert, B. & C. McLeish (eds) 2007. A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Governance of Research. London: Earthscan. Introduction and sample chapter.
Rappert, B. 2006. Controlling the Weapons of War: Politics, Persuasion and the Prohibition of Inhumanity. London: Routledge.
Rappert, B. 2003. Non-Lethal Weapons as Legitimizing Forces?: Technology, Politics and the Management of Conflict. London: Frank Cass, pp 286. Read the Introduction.
Brown, N., B. Rappert, & A. Webster (editors) 2000. Contested Futures. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Journal Articles
- Rappert, B. and G. Kuhn. 2024. Toward a Theory of Exposure. Journal of Performance Magic 7(1). doi:
- Boyd, K., B. Rappert & D. Fleischer. 2024. Practical Points of Failure in Police-university Collaboration: Reconceiving Knowledge Exchange. Evidence & Policy.
- Stevens, C., E. Van Veeren, B. Rappert & O.D. Thomas. 2023. Being Curious with Secrecy. Secrecy and Society 3(1).
- Rappert, B. et al. 2023. A Global Lethal Force Monitor: Comparative Opportunities and Challenges. Homicide Studies 27(1).
- Rappert, B. et al. 2022. Evincing Offence: How Digital Forensics Turns Big Data into Evidence for Policing Sexual Abuse. Engaging Science, Technology and Society 8(3).
- Rappert, B. 2021. The Magic of Social Life. Journal of Performance Magic 6(1).
- Rappert, B. 2021. Counting the Dead and Making the Dead Count: Configuring Data and Accountability. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43.
- Wilson-Kovacs D., B. Rappert, & L. Redfern. 2021. Dirty Work? Policing Online Indecency in Digital Forensics. The British Journal of Criminology azab055.
- Rappert B. 2021. “Pick a Card, Any Card”: Learning to Deceive and Conceal – with Care. Secrecy and Society 2(2).
- Rappert B. 2020. Now You See it, Now You Don’t: Methods for Perceiving Intersubjectivity. Qualitative Research,
- Rappert, B., H. Wheat, & D. Wilson-Kovacs. 2020. Rationing Bytes: Managing Demand for Digital Forensic Examinations. Policing & Society 31(1): 52-65.
- Rappert, B. 2019. Leaky Revelations: Commitments in Exposing Militarism. Current Anthropolog 60:S19. DOI: 10.1086/700649.
- Newham, G. and B. Rappert. 2018. Policing for impact: Is South Africa ready for evidence-based policing? South African Crime Quarterly, 64:7–16.
- Leonelli, S., B. Rappert & L. Bezuidenhout. 2018. Introduction: Open Data and Africa. Data Science Journal 17.
- Wilkinson, K., K. Boyd, M. Pearson, H. Farrimond, I. A. Lang, D. Fleischer, A. Poole, N. Ralph & B. Rappert. 2017. Making Sense of Evidence: Using Research Training to Promote Organisational Change. Police Practice and Research. DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2017.1405266. Draft version available here
- Rappert, B. 2017. Fostering Data Openness by Enabling Science: A Proposal for Micro-Funding Data Science Journal, 16.
- Leonelli, S., B. Rappert, G. Davies. 2017. Data Shadows: Knowledge, Openness and Absence (Editorial to special issue). Science, Technology, & Human Values 42(2): 191–202
- Rappert, B., G. Colombetti, and C. Coopmans. 2017. What is Missing from Contemplative Neuroscience? Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (5-6): 199-225
- Rappert, B. and L. Bezuidenhout. 2017. Data Sharing in Low-resourced Environments Prometheus
- Bezuidenhout, L., Leonelli, S., Kelly, A. and B. Rappert. 2017. Beyond the Digital Divide: Towards a Situated Approach to Open Data. Science and Public Policy DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scw036
- Bezuidenhout, L., Kelly, A., Leonelli, S. & B. Rappert. 2016. ‘$100 Is Not Much To You’: Open Science and neglected accessibilities for scientific research in Africa. Critical Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2016.1252832.
- Bezuidenhout, L. and B. Rappert. 2016. What Hinders Data Sharing in African Science? Proceedings of the 4th CODESRIA conference on electronic publishing, pp 1–13.
- Rappert, B. and C. Coopmans. 2015. On Conveying and Not Conveying Expertise. Social Studies of Science 45(4): 611–619.
- Dymond, A. and B. Rappert. 2015. The Role of Civil Society in the Control of New Weapons Technologies. Sicherheit und Frieden 2: 73–8.
- Rappert, B. and C. Gould. 2014. Confidence in the Biological Weapons Convention: What is it? How can it be secured?. Disarmament Times Fall/Winter 37(2): 17–20.
- Rappert, B. 2014. Why has not there been more Research of Concern?. Front. Public Health 2:74. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00074.
- Dymond, A. and B. Rappert 2014. Policing Science: The Lessons of Taser. Policing: A journal of policy and practice 8(4): 330–338.
- Rappert, B. 2014. Present Absences: Hauntings and Whirlwinds in -Graphy. Social Epistemology 28(1): 41–55.
- Rappert, B. and W. Bauchspies. 2014. Introducing Absence. Social Epistemology 28(1): 1–3.
- Moyes, R. and B. Rappert. 2013. Looking Inwards and Looking Outwards - Specific Challenges and Strategic Directions from the Prohibition of Cluster Munition. Austrian Review of International and European Law 15: 89–108.
- Rappert, B., R. Moyes, A. Crowe and T. Nash 2012. The Roles of Civil Society in the Development of Standards around New Weapons and other Technologies of Warfare. International Review of the Red Cross 94(886): 765–785.
- Bezuidenhout, L. and B. Rappert 2012. The Ethical Issues of Dual-Use and the Life Sciences. CORE Issues in Professional and Research Ethics August.
- Rappert, B., R. Moyes, and I. Lang 2012. The Case for Addressing Explosive Weapons: Conflict, Violence and Health. Social Science & Medicine 75: 2047–2054.
- Rappert, B. 2012. States of Ignorance: The Unmaking and Remaking of Death Tolls. Economy and Society 41(1): 42–63. For the FoI requests informing this article, see: [Set 1] [Set 2] [Set 3]
- Rappert, B. 2011. Evidencing Similarity: The Language of Judgement, Spin, and Accountability. Journal of Language and Politics 10(2): 182–203.
- Rappert, B. 2010. Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent. Qualitative Research 10(5): 571–588.
- Rappert, B. and R. Moyes 2010. Enhancing the Protection of Civilians from Armed Conflict: Precautionary Lessons. Medicine, Conflict & Survival 26(1): 24–47.
- Rappert, B. and R. Moyes 2009. The Prohibition of Cluster Munitions: Setting International Precedents for Defining Inhumanity. Non-proliferation Review 16(2): 237–256.
- Rappert, B. and C. Gould 2009. The Challenges of Science and Security. Politeia 28(2): 95–111.
- Rappert, B. 2008. Defining the Emerging Concern with Biosecurity. Defining the Emerging Concern with Biosecurity. Japan Journal for Science, Technology and Society 17: 95–116.
- Rappert, B. 2008. The Benefits, Risks, and Threats of Biotechnology. Science & Public Policy February 35(1): 37–44.
- Rappert, B. 2007. Policing & the Use of Force. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 1(4): 472–484.
- Rappert, B. 2007. On the Mid Range: An exercise in disposing (or minding the gaps). Science, Technology & Human Values 32(6): 693–712.
- Rappert, B. 2007. Codes of Conduct and Biological Weapons: An in-process assessment. Biosecurity & Bioterrorism 5(2): 145–154.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Prohibitions, Weapons and Controversy: Managing the Problem of Ordering. Social Studies of Science 35(2): 211–240.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Biological Weapons and the Life Sciences: The Potential for Professional Codes. Disarmament Forum 1: 53–61.
- Rappert. B. 2004. Responsibility in the Life Sciences: Assessing the Role of Professional Codes. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism 2(3): 164–174.
- Rappert, B. 2004. A Framework for the Assessment of Non-Lethal Weapons. Medicine, Conflict and Survival 20: 35–54.
- Rappert, B. 2004. Moralizing Violence. Science as Culture 13(1): 3–35.
- Rappert, B. 2003. Biological weapons, genetics, and social analysis: emerging responses, emerging issues—II. New Genetics and Society 22(3):297–314.
- Rappert, B. 2003. Biological weapons, genetics, and social analysis: emerging responses, emerging issues—I. New Genetics and Society 22(2):169–181.
- Rappert, B. 2003. Technologies, Texts, and Possibilities. Sociology 37(3).
- Rappert, B. 2003. Coding ethical behaviour: The challenges of biological weapons. Science & Engineering Ethics 9(4): 453–470.
- Rappert, B. 2003. Health and Safety in Policing. Social Science and Medicine 56(6): 1269–1278.
- Rappert, B. 2002. The Future of Force. Science and Public Affairs October 6–7.
- Rappert, B. 2002. Constructions of Legitimate Force. British Journal of Criminology 42(4): 689–708.
- Rappert, B. 2002. Assessing Chemical Incapacitants. International Journal of Police Science and Management 4(2): 115–126.
- Rappert, B. 2001. The Distribution and the Resolution of the Ambiguities of Technology; or Why Bobby can't Spray. Social Studies of Science August: 557–592.
- Rappert, B. 2001. Scenarios on the Future of Non-lethal Weapons. Contemporary Security Policy 22(1): 50–74.
- Rappert, B. 2001. Towards an Understanding of Nonlethality. Peace & Change 26(1): 31–54.
- Rappert, B. and S. Wright 2000. A Flexible Response?: Assessing Non-Lethal Weapons. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 12(4): 477–492.
- Brown, N. and B. Rappert 2000. Emerging Bioinformatics Networks: The Construction of Public. and Private. Prometheus 18(4): 437–452.
- Rappert, B. and N. Brown 2000. Putting the Future in its Place: Comparing Innovation Moments in Genetic Diagnostics and Telemedicine. New Genetics and Society 19(1): 49–76.
- Rappert, B. 1999. The Uses of Relevance: Thoughts on a Reflexive Sociology. Sociology 33(4): 705–723.
- Rappert, B. 1999. Rationalising the Future?: Foresight in Science and Technology Policy Co-ordination. Futures 31(6): 527–545.
- Rappert, B., A. Webster, and D. Charles 1999. Making Sense of Diversity and Reluctance. Research Policy 28(8): 873–890.
- Webster, A. and B. Rappert 1999. The Commercial Exploitation of Knowledge. Ekonomiaz translated into Spanish, III(45): 38–59.
- Rappert, B. 1999. Review Essay: Assessing Technologies of Political Control. Journal of Peace Research 36(6): 741–751.
- Rappert, B. and J. McKenzie 1999. Researching Community Concerns. Journal of Education through Partnership 3(1): 28–38.
- Rappert, B. 1998. Links between Universities and their Spin-Offs. Industry and Higher Education 12(6): 332–338.
- Rappert, B. 1997. Irreconcilable Differences? The Business of Social Science Research. Higher Education Quarterly 51(3) July: 239–250.
- Rappert, B. 1997. A Balancing Act. Industry and Higher Education October.
- Rappert, B. 1997. Users and Social Science Research: Policy, Problems, Possibilities. Sociological Research Online 2(3)
- Rappert, B. and A. Webster 1997. Regimes of Ordering: The Commercialisation of Intellectual Property in Industrial-Academic Collaboration. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 9(2): 115–130.
- Rappert, B. 1996. Patents, Periphery, and Politics. New Political Science Summer/Fall: 111–132.
- Rappert, B. 1995. The US Extension of Plant Variety Protection: A Critical Evaluation" Science and Public Policy April: 95–105.
- Rappert, B. 1995. Shifting Notions of Accountability in the UK. Science and Public Policy December: 383–391.
Book Chapters
- Rappert, B. and B. Balmer. 2023. ‘Ignorance is Strength?’ In M. Gross and L. McGoey (ed) Handbook of Ignorance Studies 2nd edition. London: Routledge.
- Rappert, B. 2022. ‘Believing and Seeing on the Moon: The Closure and Continuation of Controversy’ In Metzner-Szigeth, Andreas (ed.) On the Interplay of Images, Imaginaries and Imagination in Science Communication, Florence: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki): Chapter 27.
- Wilkinson, K., Boyd, K., Pearson, M., Farrimond, H., Lang, I.A., Fleischer, D., Poole, A., Ralph, N. & Rappert, B. 2022. 'Making sense of evidence: using research training to promote organisational change' In: The George Mason Police Research Group with David Weisburd (eds.) Translational Criminology in Policing New York, NY: Routledge, p.64-85.
- Rappert, B. 2021. ‘Conjuring Imposters’ In Steve Woolgar, Else Vogel, David Moats, and Claes-Fredrick Helgesson (eds) The Imposter as Social Theory Bristol: Bristol University Press: 147-170.
- Coopmans, C. and B. Rappert. 2020. Data Journeys in Art? Warranting and Witnessing the ‘Fake’ and the ‘Real’ in Art Authentication. In: Leonelli, S. and N. Tempini. Data Journeys in the Sciences. Springer, pp 371-388.
- Rappert, B. 2020. Writing Secrecy. In: De Goede, M., Bosma, E., Pallister-Wilkins, P. (eds) Secrecy and Methods in Security Research London: Routledge: 129-142.
- Rappert, B. 2019. Can the Law Regulate the Humanitarian Effects of New Technologies?. In Gow, J. Dijxhoorn, E. Kerr, R. and G. Verirame (eds) Routledge Handbook of War, Law and Technology London: Routledge: 50-62.
- Rappert, B. and A. Mankoo 2018. Transgressive Chemicals. In: Mankoo, A. and B. Rappert (eds) Chemical Bodies: The Techno-Politics of Control. London: Rowman and Littlefield, pp 1–22.
- Rappert, B., K. Smith, and C. Gould 2018. Opening Spaces through Exhibiting Absences: Representing Secretive Pasts. In: Mankoo, A. and B. Rappert (eds) Chemical Bodies: The Techno-Politics of Control. London: Rowman and Littlefield, pp 77–102.
- Mankoo, A. and B. Rappert 2018. ‘Chemical Bodies’ and the Future of Control. In: Mankoo, A. and B. Rappert (eds) Chemical Bodies: The Techno-Politics of Control. London: Rowman and Littlefield, pp 185–204.
- Rappert, B. 2018. 'Minding the Gaps: Sensitivities in Pursuing Empirical Ethics'. In: Riesch, H., N. Emmerich, and S. Wainwright (eds) Philosophies and Sociologies of Bioethics. London: Springer, pp 77-91.
- Rappert, B., C. Coopmans and G. Colombetti 2016. Meditations on Silence: The (Non-)Conveying of the Experiential in Scientific Accounts of Buddhist Meditation. In: Mellor, F. and S. Webster (eds), Silences of Science. Abingdon & New York: Routhledge, pp 193–217.
- Vogel, Kathleen M., Brian Balmer, Sam Weiss Evans, Inga Kroener, Miwao Matsumoto, and Brian Rappert. 2016. ‘Knowledge and Security’ The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouché, Clark A. Miller and Laurel Smith-Doerr (eds) London: MIT Press.
- Connell, N. and B. Rappert. 2016. Searching for Cures or Creating Pandemics in the Lab? In: Lentzos, F. (ed), Biological Threats in the 21st Century. London: Imperial College Press, pp 245–264.
- Rappert, B. and B. Balmer 2015. Concluding Absences. In: Rappert, B. and B. Balmer (eds), Absence in Science, Security and Policy: From Research Agendas to Global Strategy. London: Palgrave.
- Rappert, B. 2015. Sensing Absence. In: Rappert, B. and B. Balmer (eds), Absence in Science, Security and Policy: From Research Agendas to Global Strategy. London: Palgrave.
- Rappert, B. and B. Balmer (2015). Ignorance is Strength? Intelligence, Security and National Secrets. In: Gross, M. and L. McGoey (eds), Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies. London: Routledge.
- Rappert, B. 2013. Introduction: Ethics as…. In: Rappert, B. and M. Selgelid. (eds), On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics: Principles, practices, and prospects. Canberra: Australian National University E Press, pp 349–379.
- Rappert, B. and F. Lentzos 2013. Biosecurity and Bioterror: Reflections on a Decade. In: Dobson, A., K. Barker and S. Taylor (eds), Biosecurity. London: Earthscan.
- Rappert, B., R. Moyes, and A. N. Other 2011. Statecrafting Ignorance: Strategies for Managing Burdens, Secrecy, and Conflict. In: Maret, S. (ed.), Government Secrecy (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Volume 19). London: Emerald, pp 301–324.
- Rappert, B. 2011. Views from the Field III: Awareness-raising Seminars. In: Millett P. (ed), Improving Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention: The 2007–2010 Intersessional Process. Geneva: UNIDIR.
- Rappert, B. 2011. Pacing Science and Technology with Codes of Conduct. In: Marchant et al. (eds), The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight: The Pacing Problem. London: Springer.
- Rappert, B. 2010. Introduction: Education as…. In: B. Rappert (editor), Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences. Canberra : Australian National University E Press, pp 3–31.
- Rappert, B. and L. Bezuidenhout 2010. Conclusion: Lessons for Moving Ahead. In: Rappert, B. (ed), Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences. Canberra : Australian National University E Press, pp 215–222.
- Rappert, B. 2009. The Definitions, Uses, and Implications of Biosecurity. In: Rappert, B. and C. Gould (eds), Biosecurity: Origins, Transformations and Practices. London: Palgrave.
- Rappert, B., B. Balmer and J. Stone 2008. Science, Technology and the Military: Priorities, Preoccupations and Possibilities. In: Hackett, E.J., O. Amsterdamska, M. Lynch, and J. Wajcman (eds), The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. London: MIT Press.
- Rappert, B. and S. Croft 2007. Introduction. In: Rappert, B. (ed), Technology and Security. London: Palgrave.
- Rappert, B. and B. Balmer 2007. Rethinking Secrecy and Disclosure: What Science and Technology Studies Can Offer Attempts to Governing WMD Threats. In: Rappert, B. (ed), Technology and Security. London: Palgrave.
- Feakes, D., B. Rappert and C. McLeish 2007. Introduction. In: Rappert, B. and C. McLeish (Eds), A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Governance of Research. London: Earthscan.
- Rappert, B. 2007. Education for the Life Sciences. In: Rappert, B. and C. McLeish (Eds), A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Governance of Research. London: Earthscan.
- Rappert, B. 2006. National Security, Terrorism & the Control of Life Science Research. In: James, A. (ed), Science and Technology Policies for the Anti Terrorism Era. NATO Science Series Oxford: IOS Press.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Tasers in the UK Police. In: Lewer, N. (ed), Non-Lethal Weapons: Developments and Deployments. London: Routledge.
- Charles, D., B. Rappert and A. Webster. 2003. Controlling Intellectual Property across the High-Tech Frontier. In: Blackburn, N. (ed), Intellectual Property and Small Firms. London: Routledge, pp 114–132.
- Rappert, B. 2002. Towards an Understanding of Nonlethality. In: Lewer, N. (ed), Non-Lethal Weapons. London: Frank Cass.
Conference Proceedings
- Rappert, B. 2010. Making Silence Matter. In The Way of Ethnography Ethnographic: Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings Tokyo 29 August-1 September, pp 260–273.
- Rappert, B. and E. Megan Davidson 2008. Improving Oversight: Development Proceedings of an Educational Module on Dual-use Research in the West. Proceedings of "Promoting Biosafety and Biosecurity within the Life Sciences" Kampala 11–12 March.
- Rappert, B. and Chandre Gould 2007. The Challenges of Science & Security in Africa. Proceedings of "Pursuing Security in Africa? The State of Research and Practice on Arms Control and Armed Violence Reduction in Africa" Cape Town 26–28 November.
- Rappert, B. 2006. The Life Sciences, Biosecurity, and Dual-Use Research: Further Details on a Proposed Method for Engaging with Scientists. Conference Proceedings to the 10th PIIC Beijing Seminar on International Security 25–28 September.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Determinants of the Acceptability of Less-lethal Weapons. Jane's Less-lethal Weapons 2005 Conference 26 October.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Dual Use Research as a Social Problem. XVI Amaldi Conference Proceedings 18–20 November Trieste 2004.
- Rappert, B. and S. Wright 1999. Assessing Non-Lethal Weapons. Jane's Non-Lethal Weapons Conference 1–2 November.
Dictionary Entry
- Rappert, B. 2008. Police Use of Force. In: Newburn, T. and P. Neyroud (eds), Dictionary of Policing. London: Willan.
Other Publications
- Gandhi, D., C. Heyns, S. Maslen, B. Orao, I.L. Oyakhirome, T. Probert, O. Adang, J. De Paepe, A. Dymond, M. Easton, B. Rappert & S. Skinner (2021). Toward a Lethal Force Monitor
- Rappert, B., O. Adang, A. Daillère, J. De Paepe, A. Dymond, M. Easton & Stephen Skinner. 2021. Police Lethal Force and Accountability: Monitoring Deaths in Western Europe
- Rappert, B. 2020. Secrecy Index of Evidence.
- Rappert, B. 2017. Brian Martin’s The Deceptive Activist: A Review Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 6, no. 10: 52-55.
- Gould, C., V. Harris, B. Rappert and K. Smith 2014. The Presence of the Past: Re-engaging the Legacy of South Africa's Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme. Nelson Mandela Foundation News 1 October.
- Rappert, B. and C. Gould 2014. Biological Weapons Convention: Confidence, the prohibition and learning from the past. July ISS Paper 258.
- Rappert, B. 2011. A Teachable Moment for Biological Weapons: The Seventh BWC Review Conference and the Need for International Cooperation in Education. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists May/June 67 44–50.
- Rappert, B. 2010. A State of Ignorance. London: LandmineAction.
- Rappert, B. 2008. A Convention beyond the Convention: Stigma, Humanitarian Standards, and the Oslo Process. London: Landmine Action.
- Gould, C., T. Egwang, and B. Rappert 2007. Africa Must Commit to Biosecurity Measures. SciDev.Net 16 August.
- Rappert, B., M. Chevrier and M. Dando 2006. In-Depth Implementation of the BTWC: Education and Outreach. Bradford Review Conference Paper No. 18.
- Rappert, B. and R. Moyes 2006. Failure to Protect. London: LandmineAction.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Out of Balance: The UK Government's Efforts to Understand Cluster Munitions and International Humanitarian Law. London: LandmineAction.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Statement to the Meeting of States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, 5 December.
- Rappert, B. 2005. Statement to the Meeting of Experts of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, 13–24 June.
- Dando, M. and B. Rappert 2005. Codes of Conduct for the Life Sciences: Some Insights from UK Academia. Bradford Briefing Paper No. 16 (2nd Series), May.
- Rappert, B. 2004. Towards a Life Sciences Code: Countering the Threats from Biological Weapons. Bradford Briefing Papers (2nd series) No. 13.
- Rappert, B. 2004. Shock Tactics. Police Professional 19 November 2004: 15.
- Rappert, B. 2004. Submission to the Northern Ireland Office and Home Office January 2004 Patten Recommendations 69 and 70 Relating to Public Order Equipment Report. pp 1–5.
- Rappert, B. 2003. Less-lethal Options. Police Review 17 January: 22–23.
- Rappert, B. 2003. Shock Tactics. New Scientist 15 February (2382): 34–37.
- Rappert, B. 2003. Submission to the Northern Ireland Office and Home Office December 2002 Patten Recommendations 69 and 70 Relating to Public Order Equipment Report. pp 1–5.
- Rappert, B. 2002. Submission to the Northern Ireland Office and Home Office December 2001 Patten Recommendations 69 and 70 Relating to Public Order Equipment Report. pp 1–55.